Pool help during tough times.
Hey everybody, hopefully you all are staying healthy. I wanted to extend an offer to you...
These are weird times. Nobody's been through this. I don't care how old your grandma is, she hasn't even been through this. So it's new to everybody at the same time. Some people are scared. Some people are enjoying their time at home. Some people are dreading the looming recession (hint: me). Some places are open, some places are closed. Places have weird hours. Your kids are annoying you (and you all laugh when I tell you how annoying children are). You've got cabin fever. You've got an actual fever and you can't go to the doctor because then you'll end up getting a different kind of sick and quarantined. We've all gained x amount of pounds and enjoyed the shelter-in-place diet. Forbes has announced that people are vaping, drinking, smoking pot and watching porn in record numbers. These are the day of our lives... We are in WEIRD times my friend.
One of the other weird aspects about right now is social distancing. It makes it hard to conduct certain aspects of business. Here's what I can do for you... if you have any questions about your swimming pool or the equipment, simply email me at RyanDoesPools@outlook.com and in the subject put "Pool Question". Some problems I just can't answer without seeing the pool, so pictures always help, but do bear in mind that some issues just can't be solved over an email. However with general questions you may have, or maybe you're looking to get steered in a certain direction when it comes to a certain type of equipment. Whatever it is this you got a question about that relates to your inground swimming pool, just go ahead and shoot me an email and I will take the time to sit down and respond to you. I know it's not a whole lot, but if I can save you guys a trip to the pool store or avoid making contact to stop the spread well then I should be doing my part.
So reach out to me and let's talk about your pool! .... You may even find (like a lot of people) that the extra few bucks you spend a month on pool service are worth the hours that you don't have to touch your swimming pool. I exist for a reason... because caring for your own pool is a complete pain in the ass.
Visit my Google Business page (Ryan Does Pools) to contact me with any questions.Thanks for taking the time to read.
Ryan Hicks
Owner @ Ryan Does Pools
Servicing Pools in Fair Oaks, Citrus Heights, Carmichael and surrounding cities since 2000.
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