
Showing posts from March, 2020

Does COVID-19 live in Pools?

   All the talk is about the coronavirus. Covid-19. You have to be careful when you wipe your butt 'cuz there might not be any toilet paper to buy the next time you go to the store. People are selling hand sanitizer for 60 bucks. Rubbing alcohol is sold out everywhere. People are stocking up like it's Y2K and the apocalypse is among us. I don't think you should do that... I think you should swim.     Now listen I'm no medical expert... So please do not take this as some sort of hardcore fact that has been researched in laboratories by men in white coats and goggles. This is new to all of us but just let me try to explain my way of thinking. Chlorine is a sanitizer. Chlorine for pools is twice the potency of normal standard household bleach. I don't think swimming in a pool is going to cure you of coronavirus. That would be stupid, moronic, and an absolutely irresponsible statement to make. I do however feel that if you've been out in public, maybe......

Spring Has Sprung

       It's March 10th and I'm LATE to tell you spring has sprung here in Sacramento, CA. Here are a couple quick tips to help you out while your pool is dealing with all of the new life, pollen, and dust.     First off, time to bump that clock up to 6 hours. I know... It's still cold. Are you going to dive out there the very first morning it isn't and change it? No... So change it now, then you can REALLY see how much your A/C effects your bill vs your pool equipment. (Spoiler, A/C uses more juice).     Seocond tip, if you don't have a brush ... lordy you better get one and if you don't know why, you are about to find out. Dust comes in the pool via wind, rain and also just due to the fact that your pool is part of earth... If not brushed, that dirt becomes a meal for algae looking to feed and viola! You have visible algae. So BRUSH. BRUSH! BRUSH til ya can't no mo'! Then chase it with some chlorine, your pool will love it....